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Buy Bath Bombs in BodyNurse

Buy Bath Bombs in BodyNurse

What sets these bath bombs apart from others on the market?

Each one of our bath bombs has a surprise inside, which could be toys, charms, messages and even jewelry. They are all handmade in the USA using just a few simple ingredients, and the packaging is totally unique and patent pending. Our bath bombs produce what we like to call a “clean fizz,” meaning they won’t leave a bunch of gunk and residue in your tub, and our pigments will not stain your skin or your tub.


How was it when you were first starting out?
It was exciting because we really had no idea our products would be received so well and take off so quickly!


What’s it like running a company as teenagers?
We actually feel really lucky because there are a lot of awesome people in the business world who have helped us along the way. We’re always amazed that our buyers, vendors and other people we interact with are willing to work around our school schedules. People do occasionally underestimate us because of our ages.


It’s kind of fun when that happens, though. Once we had a speaking engagement at a local school, and I got yelled at in the hallway by a teacher who told me to get back to class. You should have seen her face when she realized I was there to speak about starting a business!

Colorful Bath Bomb Set


Beauty Colors Bath Fizzies Tell us about the fun products! How do you come up with the scents and names?
Each bath bombs has a coordinating name, appearance, fragrance and surprise. The Cake bath bomb, for example, smells like almond buttercream and contains a small toy cupcake or cake donut. The Earth bath bombs smells like an ocean breeze, looks like the Earth and contains a sea creature toy. 

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